Tuesday, October 31, 2017

My 95 Theses

It was five hundred years ago that Martin Luther purportedly posted his 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg cathedral.  You can imagine each "thesis" as a debate point which Luther was willing to defend in public.

Well, today I wanted to commemorate this event by posting a 95 Theses of my own.  Following the style of the original, it can be read like a lecture broken into various points.

Whereas the original 95 Theses was directed mostly at the indulgence abuses of the 16th century, mine addresses many points of controversy which now exist between different Christian bodies after half a millennium.

Here we go!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

My "Reformation" History Presentation

Last weekend I finally gave that presentation in Wabash IN.  Here is the video:

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Do Christians and Mormons Worship the Same God?

In the past we asked whether Christians and Muslims worship the same God.  The answer was:  YES.  They may have some very mistaken ideas about God, but insofar as we are both referring to the one infinite, eternal, uncreated, source of all reality... we are indeed worshiping the same God.

By way of analogy, imagine asking a person if he knows your father.  He first demonstrates enough knowledge that he's clearly thinking of the right person.  However, as you begin to ask more questions, it becomes clear that he's been given some bad info about your dad.

Lately a few of the kids I work with have asked me if the same is true of Mormonism.  So today we'll be taking a look at that.