Wednesday, July 10, 2019

What's the Difference? Disunity in Catholicville and Protestantland

A while ago I made a post about the “Chaos Problem” wrought by Sola Scriptura.  That is, Sola Scriptura say the only infallible rule of faith are the Scriptures and it rules out the possibility of an infallible Church which interprets the Scriptures on behalf of the public.

As a side effect, however, each individual must shoulder the burden of testing everything against Scripture and deciding for himself the true content of the Christian religion.  This leads to a situation of inevitable, unresolvable disunity which Martin Luther himself remarked upon in his letter to Antwerp, saying:
“There are nowadays almost as many sects and creeds as there are heads.”
One common retort to this Catholic critique goes like this:
“Ya’ll point to the disunity in the Protestant world as proof that Sola Scriptura failed and the Protestant experiment is a bust.  But you ignore the disorder in your own house.  
In the Catholic world here are progressive parishes and conservative ones.  What good is the Pope and Bishops if you never know what you’re going to get when walking into a parish.  If they’re supposed to be the answer to Protestant disunity, then it would seem the Catholic way isn’t working either.”
How do we respond to this?

Friday, July 5, 2019

How Does a Catholic Read: Romans 9:1-24

In previous posts I have highlighted the importance of free-will being a real element in the Christian doctrine of salvation.  If there is no room for human freedom, then we’re left to conclude that there are some folks whom God doesn’t want to save.  And yet, it would seem that scripture teaches the opposite.

However, our Calvinist friends will point out that Scripture does indeed teach this intolerable conclusion.  Namely, in the first half of the 9th chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans.

Today I wanted to look at this most troubling set of passages.