Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Calvin's Trail - Why Free Will Matters

A couple weeks ago at Bible Study we were discussing the hard problem of human freedom and God's grace.  We began by asking:
What happens if you completely deny any role of human freedom in salvation?  What happens if you say God rescues a person like a puppet on strings - with no ability to assent or resist?
Today we'll be walking down that trail of logic.  

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Response to Dr. Gunter on Late Term Abortions

A couple weeks ago a friend sent me an article by one Dr. Jen Gunter.  She is an OBGYN who used to perform late term abortions, and with all the attention recently given to the abortion laws being passed in New York and Virginia, she wanted to speak up in defense of her trade.

Today I wanted to formulate a layman's response.  What can be said against the testimony of an expert?

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Was Jesus Disrespectful to His Mom at Cana?

Dear Apologist, why does Jesus refer to Mary as “woman” at the wedding feast of Cana?  Isn’t that degrading?

The exchange between Jesus and Mary in John 2:3-5 is among the most mysterious in the New Testament.  Indeed, some anti-Catholics seize upon this passage to prove Jesus actually held His mother in contempt (contrary to the claims of those Mary-obsessed Papists!).

However, this assertion would mean accusing the second person of the Trinity of sinning against the Fourth Commandment.  So let’s first dispense with the idea that Jesus meant anything harsh or disrespectful with the word “woman”.