Sunday, October 17, 2021

How Does a Catholic Read: 1Timothy 2:12-15

Today I wanted to cover a passage which is so controversial that it doesn't even appear in the lectionary.  That passage is 1Timothy 2:11-15.  This passage has implications both for who can enter into the ordained pastorate and for how Christianity views the equality of women.

So let's get into it.  

Thursday, August 26, 2021

My Response to "Would Jesus Wear a Mask"

Recently there has been a viral op-ed floating around the internet entitled "Would Jesus Wear a Mask".  It is written by Pastor John Lestock of Bethel Lutheran Church in Wisconsin.  In it, he claims that the Christian duty to imitate Christ compels Christians to mask up for the COVID-19 epidemic.  

A friend of mine asked for my take on it.  So... here we go.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Do Businesses Need to Be Secular?

One idea I've encountered a few times, even from people who lawyers, is that individuals may enjoy religious liberty, but that doesn't apply to for-profit businesses.  As soon as a person forms a business which is open to the public, all bets are off.  At that point the profit motive is all which is protected by law, and he/she will need to conform to the most secular ethics of the public.  Let's call this the "Principle of Public Secular Conformity" (PPSC) 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Three Questions about "Politicizing the Eucharist"

Recently the US Catholic Bishops have voted to produce a document addressing the thorny topic of the reception of communion by politicians who dissent from Catholic teaching.  A common complaint against doing this is that such efforts "weaponize the Eucharist" and "politicize the sacrament".  

This, I think, is a suspicious complaint.  And if I were talking to a person of that persuasion, I'd have a few questions....

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A Passion and Resurrection Compilation

A few years ago I put together a compilation of the Gospel accounts with regard to the Passion and Resurrection.  Here is a link to the Google Doc:  [LINK]