Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Culture and Marriage - Where were we? Where are we? What now?

Ever since the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act, it was only a matter of time before Anthony Kennedy decided every state in the union had to change its definition of marriage.  It was clear by his reasoning that the question regarding the nature of marriage itself was settled in his mind, and the only reason a person could disagree with him was some manner of irrational hatred or bigotry.

When the inevitable occurred, it was a moment of reflection. How did things happen so fast... or did they?  Who was to blame?  How much effort was spent supporting the natural-conjugal definition of marriage... and was it for nothing?

Now that chapter is over with the wave of a judge’s pen.  But those thoughts gave way to the next question… now what?

Well, the first thing I wanted to do was recap.  I wanted to take a look back at the basis of our case and the logic behind the worldview.  Then we can take a look forward.  Each link will send you to a different reflection:

How We Got Here: How did differing definitions of marriage develop in our culture?

The Real Legal Picture: How does the civic picture change when you identify the real issue?

The Natural Basis of Marriage:  Is the natural-conjugal definition of marriage just a religious dogma?  Or is there a rational basis which is knowable to all people.

Whats the Harm?  People are taught to not think about the real impact a change in the definition of marriage will have.  What exactly should we expect to see?

Now What?  A few ideas about where we go next…

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