Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The TL;DR Bible: Ephesians

Today we continue our adventure through the summarized New Testament with Paul's letter to the Ephesians.  

Paul wrote this letter to a successful community of Gentile converts.  He invites them to contemplate what God has done for them individual and how it fits into the overall narrative of God's providential pan for mankind.

Here we go!

Chapter 1
Hey, Ephesians!

Let’s be thankful to God, Who chose us to receive redemption and adoption through Christ.  I also thank God because I’ve heard of your faithfulness and love.

May God fill you with wisdom and understanding – that you will be mindful of all He has in store for us.  He showed His great power in raising Jesus from the dead and making Him lord of the universe.  And we, the Church, are members of Christ’s body.

Chapter 2

You were once spiritually dead – steeped in sinful practices and deserving only punishment.  But through God’s incredible mercy He made us alive in Christ.  He prepares for us an unimaginable bounty in the age to come.

We were saved by grace through faith.  This is all a gift, not something we earned through our own doing.  Now we are re-created in Christ so we can perform that good works he has set before us to accomplish.

You Gentiles were once excluded from the people of God – and you had no hope.  But by setting aside the necessity of the Mosaic Law, Jesus has broken down the barrier between Jew and Gentile.

Now we have access to God the Father as one united people.  We are built like bricks into one Temple of the Holy Spirit, with Christ being the cornerstone.

Chapter 3

God’s plan to reunify the human race was not made known to previous generations, but now I am privileged to preach this to everyone.  It is an accomplishment which displays God’s wisdom even to the angels.  So I pray that Christ dwells in your hearts, and that you grasp how immense His love is for you.

Chapter 4

I urge you all to be patient with one another and thereby preserve the unity of the Church.  For there is one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, and one Father over all.

One of the gifts Christ gave us to preserve unity are the Apostles, pastors, and prophets – who protect us from confusion and bad doctrine so the Church can grow in mutual love.

Do not live as the pagans do.  They have hardened their hearts and minds against God and indulge their impure desires.  This is not how you are to live.  You must put on your new and renewed self.

Don't lie.  Don't dwell in anger, bitterness, and malice.  Work honestly, and don't steal. Use wholesome language which builds up those around you.  And be compassionate and forgiving to one another.

Chapter 5

I say again, as children of God you must live in the light.  Do not return to the empty deeds of darkness.  Things like vulgarity, fornication, drunkenness, and greed should not be found among you. Instead, give thanks to God for everything.

Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.  Wives, be subject to your husbands as you are to the Lord.  For the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ as the head of the Church.

Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her  to make her holy. Husbands should love their wives as they love their own bodies.

Chapter 6

Children, honor and obey your parents. Fathers, do not be overly harsh with your children, but bring them up in the Lord.  Slaves, obey your masters with respect and sincerity.  Think of it as service to Christ.  Masters, treat your slaves with equal respect.  Remember that God, your master, will judge you.

Lastly, may all of you strengthen yourself against the devil.  Put on the armor of God; The belt of truth. The breastplate of righteousness.  The shield of faith.  The sandals of peace.  The helmet of salvation. The sword of the word of God.

And pray for me.  Farewell.

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